Yangon Massage & Spa

Thinking of Enjoying Nightlife in Yangon? Read This First

If you are thinking about visiting Myanmar to enjoy the nightlife and entertainment, I want to share some important things with you. Many tourists love to come to Yangon, the biggest city in Myanmar, for the clubs, bars, and live music. And I know some of you might wonder, “Is nightlife still happening in Myanmar after Covid-19 and the coup?”

The answer is yes—in fact, nightlife is running more than ever. But before you go out to party, there are some things you should know. Most of the nightlife and entertainment in Myanmar, especially in Yangon, is connected to the military. If you spend money in these places, you are indirectly supporting them.

Nightlife in Yangon: Bigger Than Before

After the pandemic and the military takeover, many people thought nightlife and entertainment would stop. But in reality, things went the opposite way. Now, there are more bars, clubs, karaoke lounges, and entertainment events than before. In Yangon, you’ll find places open every night with live DJs, bands, and parties. If you walk through the main nightlife streets, you’ll see neon lights everywhere, and people are still having fun late into the night.

It feels like the entertainment industry is trying to distract people from the problems in the country. People want to escape the stress from all the political tension and the economy being so bad, so these places get busy. But the truth is, most of these businesses are owned or controlled by military-linked people. This is where things get complicated.

Many of the bars, clubs, and high-end restaurants in Yangon are run by business people close to the military. Some of them are retired officers, others have family or business connections with the military. 

Even though the military is not directly running these clubs and bars, they benefit from them. This might be through partnerships, taxes, or simply using these businesses to make the military look good. It’s like they are trying to show that everything is fine, even though the country is still facing a lot of problems.

Should You Still Go Out?

I know some of you may ask, “So, should I avoid all nightlife in Yangon?” This is your personal decision. I understand that many travelers want to experience local nightlife when they visit a new country. And yes, Yangon nightlife is exciting. But it’s also good to think about where your money is going.

If you enjoy a night out here, just know that you might be helping military-affiliated businesses. Many locals also feel uncomfortable about this, but they don’t have many other options for entertainment or relaxation. For some people, these places are the only way to escape the daily stress.

Think to support the more real businesses 

If you want to enjoy nightlife and still feel good about your spending, try looking for independent bars or restaurants. Some small bars are owned by locals who don’t have any connection with the military. These places may not be as fancy, but they offer a more authentic experience. You can also check out local events, like traditional performances, where your money directly supports the artists.

It might take a little effort to find these places, but it’s worth it. Supporting local, independent businesses helps people who are struggling to make a living without ties to the military.

In the next blog post, I will try to organize and write about the local businesses who offer a more authentic experience. 

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